RichRelevance lança a Xen AI™: a primeira inteligência artificial aberta para personalização de experiência do consumidor

Novo browser de experiência e inovações de produto proporcionam aos líderes de negócios digitais transparência, capacidade de extensão e controle de IA sem precedentes

São Paulo, 2018 – A RichRelevance, líder mundial em Personalização de Experiências do Consumidor, anuncia hoje a RichRelevance Xen AI™, a próxima geração de inteligência artificial aberta e que tem a capacidade de demonstrar como as decisões são tomadas, focada em personalização de experiência. Resultado de um estudo de IA e inovação em machine learning de mais de dez anos, a Xen AI™ entrega diversas funções avançadas que permitem líderes digitais mesclar perfeitamente a expertise humana com inteligência artificial para proporcionar experiências diferenciadas em escala global – com controle e confiança.

“Ao nosso ver, a Xen AI™ proporciona uma experiência memorável com o intuito de ajudar empresas a crescerem o seu negócio pela transformação de uma interação digital em algo personalizado”, diz Carl Theobald, presidente e CEO da RichRelevance. “Esse é um dos mais importantes e animadores lançamentos da história da nossa empresa, e reforça o nosso comprometimento com a inovação contínua. Com a Xen AI™, nossos clientes agora têm a personalização mais transparente e impactante disponível no mercado atual”.

RichRelevance Xen AI™: Fazendo seu negócio brilhar
Com IA aumentada, a combinação da inteligência artificial com a humana, onde uma complementa a outra, é esperado que se crie $2,9 trilhões de valor de negócio até 2021 (Gartner, 2017). Entretanto, a maioria das soluções personalizadas de IA hoje em dia são como uma caixa preta – arquitetadas para automatizar, e não aumentar – e não proporcionam a visibilidade de como chegaram a um determinado resultado. Essas soluções “caixa preta”tendem a ser simplistas, e não atendem às necessidades das empresas que requerem controle do negócio, visibilidade e extensão para atingir os melhores resultados com AI.

A Xen AI™ brilha em sua estreia como o primeiro Browser de Experiência, Data Science Workbench e Otimizador de Experiência a oferecer transparência na tomada de decisão, na extensibilidade dos algoritmos e a ajudar a balancear automação com controles de negócio. No total, a Xen AI™ oferece mais de 300 estratégias que ajudam líderes de negócio a detectar e responder a sinais digitais ilimitados em tempo real, utilizando um espectro completo de algoritmos e IA multi-contextual para entregar personalização massiva em escala.

O Browser de Experiência: Transparência em IA sem precedentes
Focado na indústria, o Browser de Experiência proporciona os usuários do negócio uma visibilidade instantânea da performance que a Xen AI está conduzindo, além de total transparência sobre como e por quê essa experiência otimizada foi escolhida para um indivíduo. Diferente de ferramentas tradicionais, a inovadora interface de usuário do Browser de Experiência se sobrepõe aos sites dos clientes, contribuindo com insights valiosos no contexto onde experiências personalizadas estão sendo mostradas.

O visual intuitivo dessa sobreposição permite ao usuário auditar decisões de IA em apenas um clique, incluindo perfis, índices de recomendação, segmentos, regras e avaliações de estratégias.

As principais funções incluem:

  • Inspecionar segmentos dinâmicos e gráficos de usuário para indivíduos com base em seu comportamento
  • Estratégias que conduzem cada decisão em cada atribuição
  • Seleção de regra de avaliação – segmento, contexto, tipo, etc.
  • Performance de atribuição total – atribuição, visualizações, cliques, receita, etc.
  • Deep links para Insights de Experiência para relatórios de detalhamento
  • Ranking de performance de conteúdo e mais.

Usuários de negócio podem fazer ajustes e mudanças baseadas nos insights dos dados disponíveis para IA dos gráficos de usuário, assim como facilmente identificar regras desatualizadas, violadas ou ineficazes que se encontram no meio do caminho dos resultados do negócio, sobretudo na experiência do cliente.

“O Browser de Experiência nos permite facilmente entender como IA funciona sem precisar de um cientista de dados para decodificá-la, disse Allan Bo Christiansen, Digital Business Developer da ATEA. “Com apenas alguns cliques, nós conseguimos entender gatilhos de intenções de compra, analisar segmentos, ter insights de porque algumas estratégias foram utilizadas ao invés de outras e, proativamente gerenciar as experiências dos nossos clientes durante toda a jornada de compra. Nós somos capazes de tomar decisões conscientes e atitudes em tempo real baseadas em dados, e não em instintos.”

O Data Science Workbench: Extensibilidade de IA sem precedentes
Com o novo Data Science Workbench, a RichRelevance proporciona um sistema de gerenciamento completo que permite aos cientistas de dados e técnicos de marketing a implantar, testar e enriquecer suas próprias estratégias e insights de personalização de experiência.

O Data Science Workbench (DSW) permite aos parceiros e clientes da RichRelevance alavancar e expandir o domínio sobre seus dados, buscar dados de qualquer fonte e incorporar modelos e estratégias customizadas. Isso oferece o melhor dos dois mundos, uma vez que o Otimizador de Experiência da RichRelevance testará continuamente entre as estratégias “fora da caixa” e as estratégias customizadas para chegar aos resultados mais efetivos.

Os módulos do DSW incluem:

  • Criador de modelos: Alavanca nosso estoque de big data de comportamento de usuário, tomada de decisão micro-segmentada, regras de negócio que combinam domínios de marketing e comércio.
  • Importador de modelos: importa sua análise offline para o ambiente online; usuários podem melhorar o teste e explicabilidade dos algoritmos existentes ao trazer o seu próprio trabalho para a XEN AI™ da RichRelevance.
  • Editor de estratégias: alavanca um dos mais avançados stacks de IA para implementar e conduzir suas estratégias em escala.

“O novo Data Science Workbench da RichRelevance nos ajuda a alavancar nossos dados e insights para facilmente criar estratégias únicas para o nosso negócio sem precisar de um time de dados muito sofisticado”, disse Donna Holt, Senior Product Manager do Ecommerce da Office Depot. “Junto com a RichRelevance, nós conseguimos implantar algoritmos customizados para conseguir um engajamento de clientes, satisfação e receita ainda maiores.”

O Otimizador de Experiências e Insights de Experiência: Controles de Negócio com IA sem precedentes

XEN AI™ oferece uma arquitetura patenteada, baseada em combinação, com uma arquitetura de dupla camada de decisão que melhora continuamente para chegar aos aos melhores resultados possíveis para o negócio.

O primeiro nível apresenta uma Livraria de Estratégias com 300+ estratégias de personalização “fora da caixa”, além de estratégias customizadas ilimitadas pelo Data Science Workbench.

O segundo nível apresenta o líder de indústria Otimizador de Experiências, que alavanca estratégias preditivas para juntar, dinamicamente em tempo real, experiências individualizadas, enquanto proporciona transparência na tomada de decisão. O Otimizador de Experiências testa continuamente para determinar os algoritmos com a melhor performance para um indivíduo e contexto específicos, enquanto guia a tomada de decisão da IA com regras de marca e negócio.

Os Insights de Experiência são um conjunto de painéis analíticos e relatórios em tempo real, que proporcionam visibilidade e controle da performance do negócio que é entregue pelo Otimizador de Experiência. Eles respondem às seguintes perguntas:

  • “Como o meu negócio está performando? com Vendas, Cohort, Atribuições, Estratégias e Relatórios de Regras Avançadas de Merchandising e Site Analytics.
  • “Quem está comprando quais produtos agora?” com relatórios em tempo real para conseguir insights de tendências emergentes, e APIs para embutir o produto em outros aplicativos de empresas.

RichRelevance Appoints Carl Theobald as President & Chief Executive Officer

San Francisco, CA – March 23, 2017 — RichRelevance®, the global leader in omnichannel personalization, today announced the appointment of Carl Theobald as President and Chief Executive Officer. A seasoned technology executive, Theobald brings more than 25 years of experience driving rapid growth for enterprise and cloud businesses through innovation, product vision and execution.

In his role as CEO, Theobald will be responsible for leading all of RichRelevance’s global operations as the company builds on its position as the #1 leader in retail personalization to expand into new areas. Former RichRelevance President and CEO Eduardo Sanchez will remain with the company as a Board Advisor.

“RichRelevance has established itself as the clear market leader with extraordinary underlying technology,” said Theobald. “As we look forward, consumers are increasingly expecting business interactions to become personal experiences. RichRelevance’s use of advanced AI to serve highly personalized and relevant information in real-time will make this a reality. I’m excited to work alongside our employees and clients to unleash the power of the RichRelevance platform as we expand our market reach.”

RichRelevance sits at the intersection of three major tech trends – personalization, commerce and artificial intelligence – and today serves more than 220 companies around the globe. The RichRelevance platform has delivered more than $20 billion in commerce revenue by using sophisticated machine learning and algorithmic decisioning to instantaneously match any consumer with the most relevant content including product recommendations, search results, content, offers, and video.

“We’re excited to welcome Carl as we embark on our next phase of growth,” said Bill Pearce, Chairman at RichRelevance. “Eduardo has played an instrumental role in cementing RichRelevance’s leadership and building a profitable business in retail personalization. We are well positioned to build on this foundation to expand into new areas given our current success and base of remarkable customers.”
A veteran technology executive, Theobald brings extensive experience in driving rapid growth through product innovation, vision and execution. He most recently served as CEO of FollowAnalytics, a mobile marketing platform serving diverse brands in retail, travel, automotive and financial services. Prior to that, Theobald served as CEO of digital commerce platform Avangate, growing the company 6x in just four years.

Theobald began his career within the Oracle product organization and ultimately served as the VP of CRM Products where he drove order-of-magnitude revenue growth by bringing new and innovative products to market. Theobald holds a master’s in engineering from Stanford University and completed his undergraduate degree in electrical engineering at Princeton University.

RichRelevance 2017 Client Advisory Summit: The Full Spectrum of Personalization

EMEA and US events bring together leaders innovating the omnichannel customer experience
for HP, Macy’s, Tesco and others

San Francisco, CA – February 27, 2017 — RichRelevance®, the global leader in omnichannel personalization, today announced its 2017 Client Advisory Summit series in the U.S. and EMEA. The conferences will showcase the future of the retail customer experience – with a focus on the people and brands using data and technology to elevate every aspect of shopping. Speakers include customer experience leaders from HP, Macy’s, Tesco, Accenture and others, as well as noted digital marketing gurus Bryan Eisenberg and Damian Ryan.

Both events will provide attendees with practical tools and strategies for transforming RichRelevance’s technical achievements, including a decade’s worth of innovation in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), into superior, full-spectrum customer experiences that deliver business impact. The conference will also introduce significant business intelligence enhancement to the Relevance Cloud™ personalization platform, and go deep on RichRelevance’s new Find™ product that powers and personalizes product search in tandem with personalized browse and navigation, content and recommendations.

The 2017 Client Advisory Summit series kicks off in London on February 28 – March 1 and then moves to New York City on March 9. Highlights include:

Client Advisory Summit 2017 EMEA

  • Located at the award winning Sopwell House, the RichRelevance EMEA Client Advisory Summit is the only European forum dedicated exclusively to the subject of omnichannel personalization.
  • The 2017 event features customer presentations from Tesco, the Book People and Media Markt, Russia.
  • Additional keynotes include digital marketing expert, Damian Ryan, author of ‘Understanding Digital Marketing”, and Accenture’s Managing Director of Interactive, Christine Connor.

Client Advisory Summit 2017 US

RichRelevance’s U.S. Client Advisory Summit assembles an all-star list of retailers at the trendy APELLA event space.  Customer presentations include HP and Macy’s.

  • Bryan Eisenberg, an internationally recognized authority in online marketing and New York Times best-selling author, will keynote the morning session.

Accenture’s Jeriad Zoghby, Global Lead for Personalization, will deliver a keynote on the Future State of Personalization.

“Personalization is not a campaign or a point solution; it is a strategic initiative that evolves every touchpoint around the customer,” said Eduardo Sanchez, CEO of RichRelevance.  “The 2017 Client Advisory Summit series provides retailers with a chance to learn directly from the people who are designing the next generation of end-to-end personalized experiences that combine data with AI, beacons, IOT sensors, wearables and other cutting-edge technology to stand out and delight consumers.”



Renee Newby



Nielsen Collaborates with RichRelevance to Bring New Retail Personalization Capabilities to Nielsen Marketing Cloud

Retailers can now provide consumers with improved personalized content, product recommendations and search results on mobile devices and online

NEW YORK, NY — February 6, 2017 — Nielsen (NYSE: NLSN) today announced an integration with RichRelevance® through the Nielsen Marketing Cloud that enables retailers to deliver highly personalized ecommerce experiences. Now retailers can leverage the power of Nielsen audience data, analytics and technology to engage more shoppers with better personalized content, product recommendations and search results, including those who have not previously shopped with the brand. By delivering a more relevant experience to every customer – from the first click through checkout and beyond – clients can achieve significant increases in consideration, loyalty and sales.

With this integration, mutual clients of Nielsen Marketing Cloud and RichRelevance can use the Nielsen Data Management Platform (DMP) and Nielsen cross-device audience data — spanning demographics, interest and intent — to deliver more tailored onsite and in-app experiences to every shopper. Potential customer experiences can also be personalized across digital media, so that consumers receive relevant content and product recommendations along the entire path to purchase.

For example, when a shopper visits a big box retailer’s ecommerce site for the first time, she is greeted with products and content tailored to her based on her demographics, current interests and intent to purchase specific products or services. Content, search results and product recommendations are continuously updated as she browses the site based on her behavior and up-to-the-moment wisdom of the crowd modeling. If she leaves the site prior to purchase, personalized content and recommendations will be shown on other digital channels in her journey.

“Working with RichRelevance, we are helping retail clients leverage deep, people-based insights to make shopping experiences across online and mobile commerce more relevant for their customers,” said Karen Fichuk, President, Lead Markets at Nielsen. “This should have a big impact on retail customer acquisition and retention efforts – effectively increasing lifetime value with the best data, technology and analytics available.”

“Personalization is one of the most important competitive differentiators in the retail industry today,” said Eduardo Sanchez, CEO and president of RichRelevance. “Nielsen Marketing Cloud extends the Relevance Cloud platform to more effectively connect with customers who are new to a retailer, as well as more deeply understand existing customers in the full context of who they are. The result is an elevated experience for all shoppers, no matter whether they are first-time or long-time customers.”

“Approximately 60% of traffic to a retail site or app is anonymous to the retailer, meaning that no data on these audiences is available when they first arrive,” said Nielsen’s Mark Zagorski, Executive Vice President, Nielsen Marketing Cloud. “With Nielsen Marketing Cloud and RichRelevance, retailers can now access rich data on these anonymous shoppers the moment they hit the site and deliver more relevant experiences from the very start.”

Nielsen Marketing Cloud is integrated with marketing applications across dynamic personalization, programmatic, website, mobile, video, search, email and social media platforms. It empowers brands, agencies and media companies to connect more deeply with customers by combining Nielsen’s world-class data, analytics, media planning, marketing activation and data management platform capabilities in a fully-integrated cloud software. Marketing outcomes include a deeper understanding of consumers, more effective messaging across devices, and superior ROI analysis and campaign optimization capabilities.

About Nielsen

Nielsen Holdings plc (NYSE:NLSN) is a global performance management company that provides a comprehensive understanding of what consumers Watch and Buy. Nielsen’s Watch segment provides media and advertising clients with Total Audience measurement services across all devices where content — video, audio and text — is consumed. The Buy segment offers consumer packaged goods manufacturers and retailers the industry’s only global view of retail performance measurement. By integrating information from its Watch and Buy segments and other data sources, Nielsen provides its clients with both world-class measurement as well as analytics that help improve performance. Nielsen, an S&P 500 company, has operations in over 100 countries that cover more than 90 percent of the world’s population. For more information, visit

Press Contacts:

Renee Newby

BPR for RichRelevance



Brett House

VP, Marketing at Nielsen


Accenture and RichRelevance Expand Strategic Alliance to Bolster Personalization Services for Leading Brands

Accenture Ventures invests in omnichannel personalization leader as customer expectations continue to grow worldwide

NEW YORK; November 15, 2016— Accenture (NYSE: ACN) has expanded its strategic alliance with RichRelevance, a global leader in omnichannel personalization, to strengthen the capabilities of Accenture Interactive and boost the personalization services it delivers to global clients. As part of the expanded relationship, Accenture Ventures has made a minority investment in RichRelevance.

Building on an alliance that was formed in 2015, Accenture Interactive becomes the preferred implementation partner for the RichRelevance global personalization platform. More than 240 multinational brands rely on RichRelevance to power personalized content, search, offers, and product recommendations to shoppers across web, mobile, call center, and in-store channels.

© Accenture 2016. All rights reserved.

Consumers are lost in choice – Accenture Interactive and RichRelevance aim to help clients make it easier for customers to find what they want, how and when they want it

The expanded relationship is expected to add further momentum to Accenture Interactive’s globally growing personalization business and broaden RichRelevance’s market footprint. Accenture Interactive also gains access to additional training opportunities for advanced skills in the RichRelevance platform and will be granted early insights into the RichRelevance product roadmap and development pipeline.

Together, Accenture Interactive and RichRelevance will continue to pursue opportunities to create differentiated client solutions and intellectual property, including collaborating to:

  • Help clients build digital concierge services for end customers using the RichRelevance Personalization Platform. Accenture Interactive will develop specific algorithms on the platform which clients can feed with data to provide their customers with meaningful experiences.
  • Deliver a more improved customer experience for clients through a combination of Accenture assets such as the Accenture Clustering Engine and RichRelevance’s BuildTM services. The Accenture Clustering Engine is a proprietary artificial intelligence and cluster analysis solution; RichRelevance Build™ provides instant access to API-based personalization tools to manage and route data from any source and integrate personalization into any application.

© Accenture 2016. All rights reserved.

The Accenture Clustering Engine uses artificial intelligence to help identify best candidate segments

Jeriad Zoghby, global personalization lead at Accenture Interactive, said: “As customer expectations for personalized experiences continue to grow, companies are looking for ways to leverage the availability of rich data and technology to power the next-generation of digital experiences. Together with RichRelevance, we can make it easier for customers to find what they want, how and when they want it by combining data-driven insights with a best-in-class personalization platform.”

Eduardo Sanchez, President and CEO of RichRelevance, said: “RichRelevance provides the enterprise-scale personalization infrastructure that companies need to deliver a differentiated customer experience. To support record demand for our personalization platform, we’ve decided to strengthen our relationship with the world’s largest digital agency and recognized leader in commerce. Our alliance will help clients deliver the kind of innovative customer experiences that consumers demand today.”

Watch Jeriad Zoghby, global personalization lead at Accenture Interactive, discuss market trends and how Accenture defines personalization on RelevanceTV

Accenture and RichRelevance are broadening their alliance at a time when many companies are seeking help to redesign their service, data, and technology architecture to deliver more seamless digital and physical experiences throughout the customer relationship.

The two companies recently completed a personalization project with a leading premium vacation brand. Accenture Interactive, the client’s digital agency of record, and Accenture’s design and innovation unit Fjord redesigned the company’s booking flow and trip planner, embedding RichRelevance’s technology to personalize the guest cruise and excursion experience for the company’s customer.

About Accenture

Accenture (NYSE: ACN) is a leading global professional services company, providing a broad range of services and solutions in strategy, consulting, digital, technology and operations. Combining unmatched experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions – underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection of business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value for their stakeholders. With approximately 384,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries, Accenture drives innovation to improve the way the world works and lives. Visit us at

Accenture Interactive, part of Accenture Digital, helps the world’s leading brands drive superior marketing performance across the full multichannel customer experience. Accenture Interactive offers integrated, industrialized and industry-driven digital transformation and marketing solutions. It was recently named by Ad Age as the world’s largest and fastest-growing digital agency. To learn more follow us @Accenture Social and visit

Accenture Ventures accelerates the adoption of early stage enterprise technology innovations. It identifies the most promising sources of innovation in the market, working with start-ups, entrepreneurs, investors, academic R&D, and corporate R&D groups around the world. Accenture Ventures develops alliances and partnerships to more quickly scale innovation. It also participates as a strategic investor where appropriate – always aligned with the objective to deliver the most innovative solutions to our clients.


Jens R. Derksen


+49 175 57 61393


Renee Newby

BPR for RichRelevance

+757 651 6554


RichRelevance Introduces Find™, The Next Generation of Personalized Search for an Omnichannel World

Interactive search experience adapts and learns throughout each shopper’s journey to surface products they want to purchase Retail’s Digital Summit — Dallas, TX — September 27, 2016 — RichRelevance®, the global leader in omnichannel personalization, today launched Find™, the newest product in RichRelevance’s product suite. Built on the Relevance Cloud™, Find uses powerful real-time personalization to elevate the site search experience – on every device – by instantly connecting shoppers with the products they intend to buy. Find focuses on the customer, providing highly relevant search results based on real shopping behavior, while also delivering the full range of tools that retailers need to innovate the search experience without reliance on IT resources.

“Find elevates site search to meet customer expectations for relevant and personal interactions at every touchpoint, especially in this mobile-first world,” said Eduardo Sanchez, President and CEO of RichRelevance. “For the past 18 months, our customers have told us they wanted us to build a comprehensive and personalized search solution because it was a critically important function. They’ve told us how they struggle with solutions that are archaic and unable to keep up with new data and devices. Find is our answer to delivering the kind of search experience that consumers want – and that we know is possible.”

Site Search is Broken

Site search technology has stagnated for nearly a decade, and currently almost 50% of all e-commerce site searches end in failure. A bad search experience is amplified on mobile devices, where the smaller form factor leaves a tiny margin for error. This has significant consequences for retailers: research from RichRelevance shows that 73% of U.S. shoppers are extremely likely or likely to leave a retail site that doesn’t provide good search results, and 37% are not at all likely to return.

According to Brendan Witcher, Principal Analyst at Forrester Research: “Site search often falls short in its core responsibility: creating an exceptional online experience by delivering the most relevant, contextually-driven answer from a customer query. Traditional site search simply wasn’t designed years ago to properly handle today’s dynamic online and mobile engagements. Search is limited in its ability to effectively serve today’s customer.”

Find: Personal, Real-Time & Friendly

With Find, RichRelevance has launched the first comprehensive personalized site search solution available in the market in the last decade. Through the Relevance Cloud, Find leverages omnichannel data on current and past behaviors, as well as brand affinities and price preferences to algorithmically surface the most relevant products for a given query, context and device. Find also introduces Findability, a real-time metric that measures the success or failure of a search query at scale to help retailers understand if their shoppers are locating the items they wish to buy.

With Find, for the first time ever, site search is personal, real-time and friendly:

  • Personal: Find uses real-time shopper behavior to match individualized results to user intent, increasing Findability across all devices. Find predicts and suggests products and keywords with every tap or keystroke, continuously refining the product assortment displayed on screen as the shopper completes their search.
  • Real-Time: Find erases indexing delays, allowing results to be based on signals received less than one second earlier. Global pattern & trend alert notifications allow merchandisers to respond is real-time to changes in search behavior, improving sales.
  • Friendly: Find’s intuitive dashboard and reporting empowers business users to execute changes and manage the site search function without relying on IT resource. For shoppers, Find delivers a wholly unique search experience that is dynamic and engaging.

Find: Key Features

Find integrates state-of-the-art search technology into the Relevance Cloud platform to debut the most innovative technology architecture for site-wide search personalization. The key features of Find include:

  • Personalized Search & Browse: Attribute Sort Options; Algorithmic Sorting; Contextual Considerations; Real-time Affinities; Multi-language; Assortment Equalizer; Predictive faceting; Wisdom of the crowds
  • Shopper Experience: Interactive search results dynamically change as shopper applies filters or additional keywords; Visual feedback with explanation of why shopper is seeing particular results
  • Merchandising Controls: Conditional Boosting; Conditional Burying; Filtering; Linking
  • Testing & Reporting: Personalization MVT; Wisdom of Crowds MVT; Catalog fields MVT; Findability Monitor; Query Alerting



Renee Newby

BPR for RichRelevance



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