A base do sucesso do multicanal é a capacidade de proporcionar experiências personalizadas relevantes em todos os pontos de contato do consumidor. A chave para fazer isso é a organização dos dados — reunir os dados de clientes dos diversos aplicativos e canais para criar um perfil completo de cada cliente individual (dados multicanais) e utilizar esses dados para evocar experiências inspiradoras em diversos canais (pontos de contato multicanais).

O Modelo de Maturidade de Personalização Multicanal descreve o desenvolvimento dos relacionamentos individuais com seus clientes em qualquer canal. Ele oferece um guia estratégico de como desenvolver as capacidades e a tecnologia necessárias para ter sucesso na personalização multicanal.

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Guide to Mobile Success

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Omnichannel 100 Day Plan

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User Matching Challenges

In a perfect world, your shoppers log in and you can easily determine who they are, what they like and offer them a completely personalized experience no matter where they are in their shopping journey. We understand that this scenario as described above, is not a reality today but we’re here to help connect the dots. Getting shoppers to log in is a challenge and we know that most shoppers will only login to make a purchase, and even then, they’ll only do so if there is perceived value.

Offering your shoppers a real-time omnichannel experience that’s merchandised to their individual behaviors and purchases requires common product, product category and user IDs across channels. Most retailers have the first two handled — this paper shares how you can leverage user ID matching and RichRelevance features to bring together the data points you need to identify users and motivate them to log in.

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Getting Shoppers to Log In

Aprenda algumas dicas como levar os seus compradores a se logar, demonstrando o valor de uma experiência mais individualizada.

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Disrupt Your Market Webinar

As retailers battle to gain customer loyalty, their main differentiator in today’s competitive market is the customer experience that’s tailored to each shopper. This begs the question of how do you ensure that your customer experience is superior to your competitor’s? How do you keep customers coming back again and again?

The first step to winning the hearts and minds of your customers is to develop and nurture long lasting relationships by leveraging your big and small data to identify not only global consumer trends, but also trends of a single customer to respond in real-time. Join us to dig deep into the omnichannel Relevance Cloud™’s vast array of personalization possibilities and learn how you too can disrupt your own market.

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