RichRelevance is the global leader in experience personalization, driving digital growth and brand loyalty for more than 200 of the world’s largest B2C and B2B brands and retailers. The company leverages advanced AI technologies to bridge the experience gap between marketing and commerce to help digital marketing leaders stage memorable experiences that speak to individuals – at scale, in real time, and across the customer lifecycle. Headquartered in San Francisco, RichRelevance serves clients in 42 countries from 9 offices around the globe.

Computer Weekly – Getting the measure of collecting data for the future of personalised service

Download the Computer Weekly article, “Getting the measure of collecting data for the future of personalised service” here.

“Darren Vengroff, Chief Scientist at retail personalisation specialist RichRelevance, says BI and analytics will not just be more important, it will be essential to running a successful organisation.  “As more data becomes available and the cost of deriving insight from the data continues to drop, organisations that don’t use it will simply not be able to compete,” he says.”

Venture Beat – 1 billion daily product recommendations driving ‘multiple billions’ in sales for RichRelevance clients

venturebeat_logo pioneered the you-bought-this, you-might-like-that and the people-who-bought-X-also-bought-Y online sales approach. Now the key people behind Amazon’s technology, who founded software-as-a-service personalization engine RichRelevance five years ago, are driving more than a billion product recommendations each and every day for six of the top ten U.S online retailers…

Read full article here.

Eduardo Sanchez Joins RichRelevance as President

Global technology veteran brings more than 25 years of strategic and technical leadership in data, cloud, mobile, social and enterprise technologies – and a proven track record in driving rapid international growth 

San Francisco, CA – Mar. 7, 2013 –– RichRelevance®, the leading provider of dynamic e-commerce personalization for the world’s largest retailers, today announced it has appointed Eduardo Sanchez as President.  Sanchez brings more than 25 years of global leadership, operational and technical experience in enterprise computing, cloud services, mobile and social applications and data infrastructure to the company.  He was one of the earliest members of the MicroStrategy leadership team and over his 16-year tenure played a major role in driving the development of the company into a global market leader, most recently serving as Executive Vice President of Strategic Development.  Sanchez has also held executive roles at Paris-based Cartesis (acquired by Business Objects in 2007) and Lawson Software (acquired by Infor in 2011).

At RichRelevance, Sanchez will be responsible for the daily operation of the company, including engineering, data science, cloud infrastructure, product management, marketing, sales, services and partnerships.  He will play a key role in driving the company’s continued growth and rapid international expansion to meet accelerating global demand for personalization and data-driven retail.  He will report directly to RichRelevance founder and CEO David Selinger.

“Eduardo combines a proven strategic intelligence with a deep understanding of the global enterprise,” said David Selinger, CEO and Founder of RichRelevance. “He helped drive Microstrategy from emerging technology to dominant market leader, and his expertise aligns perfectly with where we are in our business today.  His leadership and experience are invaluable as we continue to forge new ways for retailers, brands and consumers to derive value from our technology. I am very proud to welcome Eduardo to the RichRelevance team and look forward to his immediate impact on our business.”

Sanchez’s appointment comes as RichRelevance continues to aggressively evolve personalization for retail across its global base of leading retail and brand customers. Founded by the team that pioneered the use of data to personalize product recommendations at, RichRelevance ranks #1 for personalization by Internet Retailer based on online sales across its clients in the Internet Retailer 1000. In aggregate, RichRelevance’s clients represent more than one-third of online retail and today the company serves six of the top 10 US retailers in ecommerce.

The company’s industry-leading cloud-based personalization platform currently supports billions of shopping transactions every day, delivering product recommendations, dynamic offers and tailored shopping media in real time, and at the scale of global retail.  The enRICH™ platform has driven nearly $8 billion in attributable sales for its retail partners.

“RichRelevance has quietly developed a technology and infrastructure on par with the largest enterprise software vendors and consumer tech brands on the web today,” said Sanchez. “They are consistently delivering spectacular results for their retail clients, and are a trusted partner to the largest and most innovative retailers. I am excited to join such an amazing team and company and look forward to continuing to drive value for retailers, brands and consumers.”

During his first tenure at Microstrategy, Sanchez played a major role in the development of the company from creation to $350M in annual revenue. As EVP of Worldwide Sales and Services, he was responsible for the worldwide P&L of the company’s field operations including the licenses, maintenance, consulting and education lines of the business. During his second tenure, Sanchez had a direct hand in the company’s foray into new lines of business with products like Wisdom and Alert, which leverage Big Data, mobile, social and cloud technologies.

Previous leadership roles include EVP of Global Sales at Lawson Software, where he was responsible for $850M in annual revenue. Prior to that, he was the Chief Operating Officer of Cartesis, where his responsibilities included sales, consulting, technical support, education, partner management, field marketing and client solutions. In this role, he grew the business to $135M in annual revenue prior to the company’s acquisition.

“As an investor, technologist and advisor, I have worked closely with David from RichRelevance’s earliest days,” said David Stohm, Partner at Greylock Partners.  “The directors and I look forward to working with David and Eduardo as we advance into a new, highly dynamic growth phase that takes full advantage of RichRelevance’s personalization and data capabilities.”

Additional Resources:

  • Sanchez’s bio is available here.
  • Connect with RichRelevance on Facebook and Twitter for updates and news.

About RichRelevance
RichRelevance delivers over 850 million product recommendations daily, powering the personalized shopping experiences for consumers shopping the world’s largest and most innovative retail brands like Walmart, Sears, Target, Marks & Spencer and John Lewis. Founded and led by the e-commerce expert who helped pioneer personalization at, RichRelevance helps retailers increase sales and customer engagement by recommending the most relevant products to consumers regardless of the channel they are shopping. RichRelevance has delivered nearly $8 billion in attributable sales for its retail clients to date, and is accelerating these results with the introduction of a new form of digital advertising called Shopping Media which allows brands to engage consumers where it matters most—in the digital aisles on the largest retail sites in world. RichRelevance is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in New York, Seattle, Boston and London. For more information, please visit

Reuters – Why retailers are pinning hopes on Pinterest

reuters-logo-250wAfter a tough day at work as a publicist in Minneapolis, Becca Bijoch would often indulge in a little retail therapy. She usually headed out to the stores as she did not care much for online shopping.

That changed last year when the 26-year-old joined Pinterest, a photo-sharing website that allows users to “pin” images to online bulletin boards based on their interests and to follow others. Bijoch says she has found all sorts of things that she bought after seeing them on Pinterest, from great kitchen tools on to clothes at

“I’m probably spending more now. I’m on the couch at night, after having two glasses of wine,” Bijoch says, but she has no regrets. “I tell everyone that Pinterest has changed my life…”

Click to read full article

Digiday – New L’Oreal Brand Site Takes Cues from Ecommerce


Responsive design is one of those words that’s thrown around a lot and hyped up as the design solution for the multi-screen world. The latest brand to try out responsive design is L’Oreal Paris.

In an effort to serve users across any devices they use, L’Oreal Paris used responsive design for its new site. The site is also designed to deliver personalized, cross-device experiences based on users’ preferences and behavioral data. According to L’Oreal Paris, the idea is that the experience will adapt to users’ needs based on how, when and why they’re accessing the site…

Read full article here

RichRelevance reports e-commerce shopping highlights from France's winter "Soldes" period

French Press release follows.

Une part des achats sur smartphones encore modeste (11%) et un pic des ventes en ligne aux premiers jours des soldes d’hiver 2013 –

Paris – le 21 février 2013

RichRelevance, le leader de la personnalisation des achats sur Internet, publie sa première analyse du marché français à l’occasion de la fin des soldes d’hiver.

L’examen des données des sites marchands français leaders met notamment en lumière un comportement du consommateur qui concentre ses achats sur le début de la période des soldes, en particulier autour du pic d’achat au 9 janvier. Autre enseignement : avec 11% des ventes pendant cette période de soldes, la part du « m-commerce » (achats sur les smartphones) reste modeste en France, pays où le système Android représente déjà près du tiers des achats effectués sur Internet par téléphones portables interposés.

Le 9 janvier 2013 marque un pic des ventes en ligne sur les sites marchands sur la période du 9 au 27, avec une chute autour du 27 janvier, pour revenir à des niveaux de  ventes équivalents à ceux d’avant les soldes.

En France, la plupart des sessions de navigation “e-shopping” se font sur l’ordinateur, l’iPad venant en second, suivi par les smartphones Android et les iPhones, les tablettes Android fermant la marche.

Le panier moyen d’achats du consommateur est aussi plus important lorsqu’il navigue sur son ordinateur (+20% par rapport aux tablettes ou téléphones mobile) mais reste du même ordre qu’il utilise une tablette ou un smartphone Apple ou que son appareil fonctionne sous Android.

Autre constat relevé pendant les soldes, le panier d’achat moyen est plus élevé à Paris, mais c’est en province que le nombre de pages vues sur les sites d’e-commerce est le plus élevé. Le m-commerce reste plus important à Paris qu’en province.

Le taux de conversion en achats est néanmoins uniforme, ce qui ne fait pas des consommateurs en province des clients plus “difficiles”, mais reflète sans doute simplement un pouvoir d’achat plus élevé à Paris. Cela étant, au début de la période des soldes (les 9, 10, 11 janvier et les jours suivants), l’écart Paris-province s’est resserré, la province ayant même un taux de conversion légèrement supérieur à celui de la capitale avec une valeur moyenne des articles achetés supérieure. En un mot, les soldes en ligne remportent un succès plus marqué encore en province.

L’examen des achats effectués sur les smartphones révèle une pénétration de l’iPhone supérieure à Paris, et 66% de l’e-commerce sur smartphones en France. Il n’en reste pas moins que le succès remarquable d’Android nous distingue par exemple de nos voisins d’outre-Manche.

Quelques écarts Paris-province

  • Les sessions consacrées à l’e-shopping sont nettement plus nombreuses à Paris qu’ailleurs en France
  • Le panier moyen d’achats du Parisien est aussi plus élevé en valeur
  • Les Parisiens utilisent également davantage les smartphones pour leurs achats sur Internet
  • L’usage de l’iPhone est en baisse tandis que celui de l’iPad est à la hausse lorsqu’on s’éloigne de la capitale; les téléphones et tablettes sous Android rencontrent partout le même succès

Méthodologie :

Cette première étude s’appuie sur l’ensemble des données clients de grands acteurs de l’e-commerce français qui utilisent les solutions de personnalisation de RichRelevance. L’étude repose sur l’analyse de 84,8 millions de sessions sur Internet, entre le 1er et le 31 janvier 2013. Ces sites d’e-commerce sont tous basés en France et incluent des généralistes comme des spécialistes.

Ressources complémentaires :

  • Les infographies peuvent être téléchargées ici
  • D’autres informations sont disponibles sur nos comptes Facebook and Twitter .

A propos de RichRelevance

RichRelevance livre 850 millions de recommandations de produits chaque jour, en personnalisant les achats de consommateurs sur les sites de distributeurs de premier plan, comme Walmart, Sears, Target, Marks & Spencer, et en France cdiscount ou PriceMinister Rakuten. Créée et dirigée par l’expert en e-commerce expert qui a permis l’émergence de la personnalisation chez, RichRelevance permet aux sites marchands de vendre davantage et de mieux servir leurs clients en recommandant les produits les plus pertinents au consommateur quel que soit le canal de distribution choisi. Ce sont des ventes de plus de 5,5 millions de dollars qui sont attribuables à RichRelevance à ce jour et ces résultats sont encore améliorés par de nouvelles approches publicitaires sur Internet telles que Shopping Media, qui permet aux marques de s’adresser au consommateur au meilleur moment —dans les « rayons » numériques des plus grands sites d’e-commerce. Le siège de RichRelevance est à San Francisco, et l’entreprise compte des bureaux à New York, Seattle, Boston et Londres, sans oublier l’ouverture récente d’un bureau à Paris. Pour plus d’information, vous pouvez visiter notre site : ou

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